Use "vanished from the face of the earth|vanish from the face of the earth" in a sentence

1. The smile vanished from her face.

2. This type of piranha disappeared from the face of the earth about two million years!

3. Just disappeared off the face of the earth.

4. I could get the men together... and wipe those Breves from the face of this earth,

5. He's seriously the biggest jerk on the face of the Earth.

6. 6 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.

7. The greatest threat Earth will face is coming.

8. To one of the last uncharted areas on the face of the Earth.

9. He goes silent like he fell off the face of the earth.

10. The whole tribe seem to have disappeared off the face of the earth.

11. We're about ready to knock that town off the face of the earth.

12. Wit is the most rascally, Contemptible, beggarly thing on the face of the earth

13. You are the luckiest son of a bitch that walked the face of the earth.

14. You've been gone for 16 years. You've dropped off the face of the Earth.

15. I have given you the greatest organization there is on the face of the earth.

16. Inability to communicate with any other human being on the face of this Earth.

17. Aeschylus is considered by some as the greatest writer ever to walk the face of earth

18. We were the most unholy trinity on the face of the earth, or else the most holy.

19. Around the world, continents shift... and volcanic activity changes the face ofthe Earth.

20. So they sent a great sandstorm, to destroy all, wipe clean the face of the earth.

21. Appeasing China Won’t Cool the Earth A President Biden would face pressure from climate hawks to go easy on Beijing

22. How did the teaching of the immortal soul spread across the face of the earth, and what was the result?

23. The following fixations jump from face to face.

24. If a nuclear war breaks out, every living thing will be wiped off the face of the Earth.

25. In the youth of earth, the whole earth was like a clod taken from stove.

26. Some of these cranky codgers and Codgerettes walk the face of the earth in a constant state of angry birds

27. 15 No human being on the face of the earth could do anything worse than what he did.

28. But what about the many millions on earth who daily face poverty and hunger?

29. A rumble came from the bowels of the earth .

30. Apogee (plural Apogees) The point, in an orbit about the Earth, that is furthest from the Earth: the apoapsis of an Earth orbiter

31. It'd be a blessing for this country if a flood would wipe them off the face of the earth.

32. From the start, from times earlier than the earth.

33. The name Aardvark—Afrikaans for “earth pig”—refers to its piglike face and burrowing habits.

34. Choose from a range of earth Augers, earth auger bits, and extensions from Predator.

35. Autochthones means born from the earth

36. The earth was spongy from rain.

37. Plants suck moisture from the earth.

38. Three-dimensional data points from a face vastly improve the precision of face recognition.

39. During 1995, Saturn's rings were visible almost edge-on, making them appear to vanish as viewed from Earth.

40. No, he is pointing to developments that “will come upon all those dwelling on the face of the whole earth.”

41. Who can compute the distance of the moon from the earth?

42. The earth needs protection from the constant bombardment of harmful rays from the sun.

43. Perigee: the point of the moon's orbit nearest to the earth, where the distance of the moon from the earth is 356410 km.

44. Thousands of years before humans saw the earth as a globe from space, the Bible referred to “the circle of the earth”

45. 4 The “earth” represents the world of mankind alienated from God.

46. The Ascension, the bodily ascending of Christ from earth to heaven

47. It defines two angles measured from the center of the Earth.

48. The Ascension, the bodily ascending of Christ from earth to heaven

49. And remember, the shaking at the coming battle of Armageddon will cause the present wicked heaven and earth to vanish.

50. The monumental face pack consists of multani mitti, or fuller's earth, a lime-rich clay found across northern India and used in many face masks and body treatments.

51. The blood drains from her face.

52. The crew also photographed the Earth from orbit.

53. The smile faded from his face.

54. Raze what was left of the city from the surface of the earth.

55. You from the Heaven and Earth Society.

56. Most of the people of Earth are security-Conditioned from childhood

57. The Changing Face of China: From Mao to Market.

58. Extractive: taking raw materials from the earth.

59. The eyes redeem the face from ugliness.

60. His eyes darted from face to face.

61. Her eyes flicked from face to face.

62. The rare earth binder component is preferably derived from a rare earth acid sol.

63. 30 These actions cause the eye, beak and face to vanish beneath the shaggy white ruff.

64. 17 These actions cause the eye, beak and face to vanish beneath the shaggy white ruff.

65. The bell boomed as though it came from the bowels of the earth.

66. Yes. With money made from leeching the Earth of its resources.

67. Chthonic (adj.) "of or pertaining to the under world," 1882, with -ic + Latinized form of Greek khthonios "of the earth, in the earth," from khthōn "the earth, solid surface …

68. 6 The eyes redeem the face from ugliness.

69. The world that meant a lot to me, I saw it vanish in my face.

70. And to the kings of the earth upon the earth.

71. Waters gushing from the earth united with the waters from heaven to Accomplish the work of desolation

72. The Atmosphere protects the Earth from receiving too much radiation from the Sun.

73. She washed the blood from his face.

74. He wiped the sweat from his face.

75. She wiped the sweat from her face.

76. The region is approximately 1,400 parsecs from Earth in the constellation of Cygnus.

77. (2) All of the poles of the secondary circuit shall be insulated from the earth.

78. (5) All of the poles of the secondary circuit shall be insulated from the earth.

79. From whom do the kings of the earth receive duties or head tax?

80. He has whistled for them to come from the ends of the earth;+